Saturday, November 8, 2008

Canarvon Gorge National Park

Thursday, Nov. 6

Canarvon Camp Groud

An early start then off for our walk up the canyon. We started with the Moss Garden, an excellent pool up a side canyon. Very picturesque and a pleasant walk to boot so we decided to go on further.

The Moss Garden

The Amphitheatre was a few kilometres past the Moss Garden, up and down some flights of steps and finally up a gantry into a small cave entrance up the side of a cliff. Once we accomplished this climb, the path lead us threw the cave into an un-roofed chasm the size of a bowling green with steep sides all around. The photos don’t do it justice.

The Amphitheatre

After returning, we headed straight to the Rock Pool for a dip before returning to camp. “more steps and stepping stones”.

The Rock Pool

After dinner, something incredible happened. Sally and I beat Mike and Jan at Triv.

Friday, Nov. 7

Sleeping in is great so with only a few chores to do in the morning, the afternoon was free to return to the Rock Pool.
After returning, late afternoon, Jan started her stew and we walked down to see the Platypi.
Unfortunately the platypi did not wish to see us so it was back to camp to eat and play Triv.
Tonight, Mike and Jan made a remarkable comeback making Sally and I feel some what disillusioned by last night’s victory.

Olive Hunting Platypus

Saturday, Nov. 8

Although dry, it rained most of last night. I know it rained as I could here the flush of water being released that had built up, overnight, on the roof of Mike and Jan’s Roof top tent. There must have been about five litres flood from their roof onto the ground, sparking a comment from a neighbour, “what a waste of good rain water”. We managed to break camp without further rain delays and headed for Roma for supplies. Luckily was arrived pre-noon as again we were almost caught out by early Saturday closing in Queensland. On the way, we stop to check out the wreckage of a C478 Dakota aircraft also bought down during a violent storm in this area in1943.
We stocked up and pushed on to Chinchilla, but as the rain set in, we abandoned our usual camping routine and settled on self contained cabins for the night. Looking outside as I type this, I’m happy not to be setting up the camper trailer up tonight.

Muddy Drive Out

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