Saturday, Nov. 22
We spent the morning exploring Lightning Ridge where the tourist drives are marked in a unique fashion. We first checked out the “Green Door” drive, which involves following a series a green car doors placed along the side of the track number from 1 up. This led us to Nettleton’s First Shaft, the first opal mine in the area. Unfortunately, it’s a hole in the ground covered by steel mesh. Besides the plaque alongside it was indistinguishable from several hundred others in a kilometre radius. The view across the Coocoran Opal Fields was fairly good.

Disused Opal Mines
Coocoran Opal Fields
We had arranged to meet Mike and Jan in the afternoon and visit the “Chambers Of The Black Hand” opal mine which is renowned for the sandstone carvings created by the mines’ owner. As we had some time to kill, we visited a spoil heap next to the 3 mile open cut mine that Mike and Jan had been shown that morning managing to pick up a few shards of opal.

Fossicking around 3 Mile Mine
The Chamber of the Black Hand was very interesting as well as venturing down underneath the sandstone layers in the clay base were Opals are still sort. Our guide on this trip was an old opal miner and his passion for the gem was exposed as he took us through the diggings, some of which are still worked.

Chamber of the Black Hand
Chamber of the Black Hand
Chamber of the Black Hand
After this adventure it was back to camp for dinner and cards, albeit difficult because of the gale blowing.
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