Thursday, April 16
Day 259, 27400km’s
We were coasting along comfortably stopping to checkout the various sights along the Eyre Highway when around 100k short of the WA border we came across more back packers.

Day 259, 27400km’s
We were coasting along comfortably stopping to checkout the various sights along the Eyre Highway when around 100k short of the WA border we came across more back packers.
The Great Australian Bite
This time they were stuck on the side of the road going nowhere fast. We stopped to offer assistance and after a long time on the sat phone talking to RACV, they were frustrated to the max. We sussed out the problem with the L300 and decided it must be the alternator causing all the grief. In true bush mechanic style, we removed the battery from our camper trailer and with the aid of some jumper leads (our battery would not fit in the small battery compartment of an L300) we got their vehicle started and drove on using the temporary battery to run the van. To all our surprise, they made it all the way to Eucla (130k) where we all checked in for the night and the back packers could solicit assistance from the local mechanic.

This time they were stuck on the side of the road going nowhere fast. We stopped to offer assistance and after a long time on the sat phone talking to RACV, they were frustrated to the max. We sussed out the problem with the L300 and decided it must be the alternator causing all the grief. In true bush mechanic style, we removed the battery from our camper trailer and with the aid of some jumper leads (our battery would not fit in the small battery compartment of an L300) we got their vehicle started and drove on using the temporary battery to run the van. To all our surprise, they made it all the way to Eucla (130k) where we all checked in for the night and the back packers could solicit assistance from the local mechanic.
Broken L300
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