Off to the Tasman Peninsular.
We drove down the west coast calling in to see Nine Mile Beach that the author of the book, In Tasmania, that Sally had just completed reading, lived. The history of the area had been described in the book and we were keen to check out this stretch of beach first hand. There was, however, only one public access to the beach proper about 4.5 miles along the beach. We missed it on the way in but caught it on the way out of Nine Mile Beach about 4.5 miles in.
Nine Mile Beach
We drove on straight to Fortescue Bay on the Tasman Peninsular and found one of the best camp grounds on this trip. It was right on the bay and besides sharing it with some local boaties, due to a boat ramp being located there, we had it to ourselves.
Fortescue Bay Campground
I manage to get a sunset shot before retiring for dinner and 500 but visitations by local wildlife through the evening were common.
Fortescue Bay Sunset

Fortescue Bay Visitor
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